Showing 6 Result(s)

Why and how to give grace to others

How do you want people to treat you when you make a mistake? If you would like others to give you grace, then give grace to others! When you make a mistake do you want your loved ones to: Judge you Ask you “why did you do that?” Show their disappointment in you? Speak to …

Turn It Up Coaching: Ask for Help, man helping a woman move boxes

How to ask for help – 7 ways

Ask for help! Even though it’s hard to do, it’s something we all need to learn and do. Here are 7 ways you can easily use to make your relationships better. Asking for help is hard One of the biggest mistakes a lot of people make in relationships and life is not asking for help. …

The biggest mistake husbands make when their wives are upset

Do you know what the biggest mistake husbands make when their wives are upset?   Guys we really blow it sometimes. When our wives come to us upset, if you’re like me the first thing you ask yourself is, “what did I do now?”  Maybe it’s not anything you did. She might be upset, angry, hurt, …